Sunday, November 7, 2010

Zack Fair

Zack Fair is a non-playable character from Final Fantasy VII and the main protagonist of its prequel, Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-. The wielder of the Buster Sword before Cloud Strife, Zack received the Buster Sword from his predecessor Angeal Hewley. Zack is a 1st Class SOLDIER and is Cloud's best friend during their time working for Shinra. He is affectionately nicknamed "the puppy" in Before Crisis and Crisis Core.
In Final Fantasy VII, Zack only appears in flashback sequences which portray him as almost identical to Cloud Strife, the game's main protagonist. These sequences elaborate on Cloud's past and his connection to Sephiroth, Cloud's arch-nemesis. In Crisis Core, Zack's own history and influence upon the Final Fantasy VII world are brought into focus. Zack also appears in Last Order -Final Fantasy VII-, Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-, and briefly in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete.
If the player performs the correct actions in Crisis Core, Zack can get his own fanclub like many other 1st Class SOLDIERs. Known simply as the "Zack Fair Fanclub", the player's actions determine its popularity by the end of the game.

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